Which Way Should a Face Mask Be Worn?
Have you noticed more people wearing face masks lately? If you have, you're right. With an uptick in respiratory viruses across the States, health experts again recommend getting back in the habit of wearing face masks in public. And when we say "experts," we're not...

Which Groups of People Are The Most Sensitive to Air Pollution?
Google "air quality in 2022," and your screen will quickly populate with depressing articles and statistics on the poor quality of the air we breathe. Recently, United Nations experts were quoted as saying, "The air that keeps us alive is making us sick." The UN...

My Kids Don’t Want to Wear a Mask: What Can I Do?
While all U.S. states have eased or ended mandates that require people to wear masks in public places as of November 2022, there are still many circumstances where masks are required or recommended. For example, the CDC recently reissued its recommendation that...

VFE vs BFE vs PFE: The Different Types of Filtration Efficiency
It's the fall of 2022, and life is settling into a new state of "normal." Kids are going back to school, the days are beginning to get shorter, and temperatures are starting to drop or soon will be. What can we expect will be the new normal when it comes to wearing...

5 Reasons Why Face Mask Nose Wires Don’t Stay in Place
While there aren't any states currently requiring that people wear face masks in public places, there are some U.S. states that mandate individuals in specific high-risk settings still wear face coverings, such as those that work in long-term care and health care...
MyAir Kit in Zebra
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MyAir Kit in Think Pink
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MyAir Kit in Basic Black
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MyAir Kit in Cool Breeze
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MyAir Kit in Incognito
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MyAir Kit in Lattice
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MyAir Kit in Leopard
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MyAir Kit in Newsworthy
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MyAir Kit in Purple Peeps
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MyAir Kit in Santa Fe Tile
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MyAir Kit in Blue Skies
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MyAir Kit in Desert Camo
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MyAir Kit in Gray Diamonds
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MyAir Kit in Super Star
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MyAir Kit in Mosaic Tile
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MyAir Kit in Buckskin
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MyAir Kit in Denim Blues
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MyAir Kit in Screen Play
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MyAir Kit in Counting Sheep
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MyAir Replacement Filters