
MyAir Instructions – Doing the Twist

What makes MyAir the most comfortable facewear on the market is its unique one-piece design. Made of super lightweight and stretchy fabric, the ear loops are given a half-twist to simultaneously  pull down across the nose and up under the chin, optimizing fit without straps, buckles, stiff elastic or latex. The sheath holds the filter element in the perfect place over your nose and mouth, with the sheath fabric keeping the rest of your face cool and comfortable.

Easy & Comfortable

Designed for the ultimate in comfort and breathability, MyAir Comfort Masks are easily fit to almost any face size or shape. Replaceable filters help protect you from airborne viruses, bacteria, contaminants and allergens, while retaining the moisture from your exhaled breath.

1. Remove protective cover on the adhesive strip – Press adhesive strip firmly onto the inside of the mask nose piece.

2. Hold the MyAir Mask up to your face, pulling it up under your chin. Twist the ear loops back and slip them over the ears, and adjust the nose piece. Or, you you might find it easier to first adjust the nose piece, then twist the ear loops back and hook them over your ears. Please see the video above for a visual demonstration.